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Mare grading; why, how, where and when

    16 May 2016   

It is probably a fair assumption that the majority of responsible British breeders now use a graded stallion. It is also probably a fair assumption however, that the minority will be not be breeding from a graded mare.While mare grading is the normal route for breeding in Europe the use of graded mares is not yet routine here in the UK. It is however something that we at SHB(GB) would like to encourage – we would love to have more mares graded into the studbook.


In the first instance grading a mare adds to the value of the studbook. The SHB(GB) studbook goes back over a 100 years. This means that we have over 100 years of recorded bloodlines and breeding information. However only graded stallions and mares are entered into the studbook. If a mare is not graded into one of our studbooks her line comes to an end – or she has to start again. Therefore stock that has been graded into the studbook will provide us with information for the future and enhance the studbook.Secondly the grading status of a mare will influence the status of her offspring. Foals from two graded parents will have better status and paperwork than foals from one graded parent, while a foal that is born to ungraded parents is not entitled to any stud book registration other than a basic identity record – even if the breeding is ‘known’. If a stallion has not been graded and had his breeding verified with a recognised stud book then as far as a stud book is concerned the breeding is unknown. And this applies to the mare too.  Every year we encounter disappointed breeders who are unaware that their mare was never registered or graded with a studbook meaning her breeding was never verified or recorded. Because they have an identity passport with the breeding in it breeders mistakenly believe this to be fact and correct. In the past we have had really good mares pass a grading with high marks but because she was not registered or her parents not registered or graded, the outcome is that she can only go into the Foundation studbook, when with proper paperwork she would have gone into the Head studbook.

Grading is also important for the recognition of offspring particularly as SHB(GB) is a member of the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses (WBFSH). Offspring that are registered with SHB(GB) and have verified breeding will always be attributed to the SHB(GB) studbook which gives us recognition on the World stage. Again, every year in the WBFSH rankings there are successful horses that should, because of their breeding, fly the SHB(GB) flag but because they were not registered and have no studbook paperwork, the studbook cannot claim or promote their success and importantly the success of British breeding.


Grading however is also an important assessment of a mare before breeding. At an SHB(GB) grading your mare will be assessed in-hand only, by a panel of three selected, experienced judges and breeders. They assess her conformation and suitability as a potential broodmare. A competition record, if she has one, is also taken into account. Depending on her marks she will be graded either into the Head, Main or Foundation studbook. We reward high scoring mares and those that grade into the Head studbook with monetary vouchers to be used against the cost of the stud fee of a SHB(GB) graded stallion. For the owner having a mare assessed will highlight her strengths and pinpoint her weaknesses – there is no such thing as the perfect horse. This all helps in selecting a stallion for a suitable match.

Mares are judged purely on their own merit. Many types and breeds of mares make useful broodmares and we accept that not everyone wants to breed an Olympic contender. We are therefore happy to grade all types of mares – they do not have to be high-flying competition horses – and at any age albeit they must be at least three-years-old. We also grade mares that are registered with other, European studbooks, so that offspring may then be registered into the SHB(GB) studbook. Mares that have been previously graded with another studbook may be eligible for a transfer without having to attend another grading.

Where and When

SHB(GB) hold several mare gradings around the country during the summer months. Many gradings are held at studs to make it easy for mares at stud, and those with foals at foot, to be assessed. We also encourage owners to organise their own gradings at a venue of their choice, providing there are at least six mares to be assessed. All we require is sufficient parking for boxes and preferably an enclosed arena. In this instance call the office to name the venue and date you would like and we will do the rest.Keep an eye on our FaceBook page – like the page to ensure you keep in touch with The Society and announcements – or the website for a list of dates and venues. A complete schedule of rules for mare grading is available on the website. If you have any questions about mare grading then please ring the office and ask to speak to Marian or send her an email.

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